Rest. A Lenten Social Media Experiment

As Lent begins this week, are you planning to give up social media? If so, let's connect.

Social media is without question a ginormous (the technical term) part of our lives. If you're a writer, it's part of how you build your platform. If you're a stay-at-home mom, it's an adult-conversation outlet. If you're in business, chances are it's how you're advertising. It does so many good things for us.

But if you're like me and realize it can be a MAJOR crutch in your life, well, that's a different story. In my own life I've learned it can be my personal escape hatch, a portal to Anywhere But Here, my personal ranking system for How I'm Doing as a Person Compared to Other People, and so on. Essentially social media can keep me busy  NOT thinking about me, really me, and the hard, good things closest to me that really need my attention.

Enter Lent. It's a season of preparation for Easter. A time to get our heads and hearts centered on what matters; a REST and a moving away from what we know we don't need to refocusing on what we do.

So here's what I'm offering: If you're planning to give up social media for any amount of time (40 days, 40 hours, 40 minutes or 40 seconds!) for personal purposes this Lenten season and would like some company on your journey, let's connect. You can either email me at for daily reminders, encouragement, journaling prompts and meaningful activities to do through the season, OR simply subscribe to my blog at for the same stuff (the emails are just if you want a little more personal accountability). 

Social media can keep us mighty busy. This Lenten Season, let's find some Rest.


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