A Night for Mercy
"Mercy and Halloween seem like a match made in heaven: treats, treats everywhere!” – Kate DiCamillo, in an afterward of Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise It’s Halloween, and I’m thinking about candy. Growing up, my family didn't celebrate Halloween, mostly because of its many frightening traditions and also something about stranger danger, I think. We didn’t dress up, and my brother and I didn’t trick-or-treat. Yet we were never deprived of candy. Candy was everywhere. There was candy to purchase for the neighborhood families who showed up at our door. There was candy at the church fall festival and hay ride. And, of course, good Reformed Christians and homeschoolers we were, there was candy to be had for us all when we knocked on a more or less sturdy rendering of the castle church door of Wittengerg (after Dad, dressed up as Martin Luther, nailed a copy of his 95 theses on it) on Reformation Day. Candy was a constant. I vividly remember H...